> Who?

We are a small team of engineers and gamers making affordable, open-source, and high-quality computer peripherals. Our aim is to bring the quality of custom enthusiast-grade products to your fingertips.

By the community for the community.

> Muon FAQ

Q: When keypad?

As of May 13th Pre-Orders are set to ship out before June 2nd, 2023.

Q: What are hybrid MX/Choc sockets?

Hybrid MX/Choc sockets are special cutouts of the PCB to allow for either a choc or MX hotswap socket to be attached in the same position. This allows for the same PCB to support both choc or MX switches (or some combination of the two). Muon will initally ship with MX sockets pre-installed. The current design has some pain points when in the Choc configuration and are being worked on!

> Axion FAQ

Q: What

Axion is our WIP project for a high quality 8kHz gaming mouse.